What is the best restaurant in the Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy area?
Where your reviews suggest you must eat in Castle Caereinion?
Where should I eat dinner around Powys?

The food outlets below are listed by category, good reviews and by location. You therefore can see at a glance which are the best, which are the nearest to Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy and which are the best value. The aim is that you will be able to plan your evening eating out with confidence and at speed!

Crucially the 'More' tag at the bottom of the review list goes to an Eating Out Map with all local Restaurants, Pizza Houses, Pubs and Takeaways around you. In case we have missed anything we have the Thompson All restaurant tag at the very bottom.

Enjoy eating out around Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy!

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Best Reviewed Indian Restaurants and Takeaways in Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy or in Castle Caereinion area

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Best Reviewed Italian Pasta and Pizza Restaurants

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Castle Caereinion Chinese Restaurants

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Castle Caereinion Vegetarian or Vegan Restaurants

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If you are looking for a either a meal or a drink this Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy Food and Drink page will show virtually all the Public Houses in Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy or near Castle Caereinion. Choose either the best reviewed pubs or the ones nearest to you. We list the best reviewed Pubs first. If you would like to see all the hospitality venues us click more. This also displays their a Brookland Hall School & Golf Academy street map with the location of all public houses. Enjoy!

Pub Food with Reviews, Maps and Links to their websites

Raven Inn

Raven Square, Welshpool SY21 7LT, UK – 01938 553101

Popped in today for lunch having seen that the Raven has reopened. The people running it now are so far from the couldn't-care-less attitude of the previous management, and the building looks so vastly different, that I couldn't believe it was the same pub. Staff are exceptionally friendly and genuinely welcoming, the food is excellent and the prices reasonable. We were advised that food may take 45 minutes to arrive as they were very busy, which was fine and it is always nice know about this in advance. In fact, it took 25 minutes, which is more than acceptable. Much better to warn customers in advance of the possibility, though, so I can see why they did. Portions are massive and the food is very good quality. All ingredients are sourced locally and the homemade nature of the food really shines through. I have a feeling the Raven will do very well under the current staff. I hope it does, because it fully deserves to.

Staff seemed a bit clueless as they checked back with us during our meals 4 times, but food was nice and drink was not bad (beer was a little watery, mind it was Coors light). Chain pub but nice newly refurbished surroundings definitely pleasant to sit for a while. Slightly perturbed to see it only has a 1 star hygiene rating. Didn't get ill after eating there, saw no evidence of poor standards.